After my term as director of Isia Urbino, since November 1st 2016, I became active member of the cooperatives Alpaca and of CAST.
If you are looking for my typefaces (or you want a custom font), now they are published by CAST.
My professional activities concerning information design and typography are now done with Alpaca.
To ask for more information feel free to contact me at:

I designed this minimalist website in 2003, it's a sort of living fossil, but it's served me very well and I still like it a lot!

Some projects:

A typeface for Sole 24 Ore, designed by Molotro.

Minotype at IUAV.
Useless fopperies...

A typeface for Tecno, designed by Limbo + Molotro.

Solferino Text. A custom typeface for Corriere della Sera, designed by Leftloft + Molotro.

Luciano Perondi
M ++39 388 1697785
via Bergamo 24, 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA), Italia
P. IVA 02796210124